HOT Firefighter it’s not a phase it’s my life poster

3 min readMar 4, 2021

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A firefighter is a lifesaver highly trained in firefighting and also in rescue operations, mainly to extinguish small fires that threaten life, the infrastructure, property, and even pets and in some states or territories also animals from hazardous situations. In some countries, firefighters are responsible for implementing community based action plans for preventing, containing, and reducing the risk of fires. They provide essential services to communities for emergency preparedness and response, such as training and equipping fire stations, conducting community education and promotion of fire prevention, as well as fire rescue. A firefighter can be a member of the local fire department or can go through further training and qualifications.

The job of a fire fighter is both dangerous and rewarding. In fact, being a fire fighter is one of the few jobs that can be done by people who are willing to put in the time and effort to learn. The job requires physical stamina and mental toughness; fire fighters are usually the first ones on the scene when there is a fire. Because of this, fire fighter training is rigorous, requiring a lot of mental and physical strength.

Firefighters have a difficult job and a long working hours. Firefighters must be able to work unsupervised for hours at a time without complaining. They may also be required to travel long distances to where they are needed. Firefighters must also be able to endure extreme temperatures and elements. Some fire fighters may also be required to operate extremely heavy equipment and face many hazards on a fire-fighting platform. All of these conditions combined with the danger of fire itself make the job of a fire fighter very demanding and dangerous.

Fire safety training is an important part of the job of a fire fighter. Fire safety training starts from the academy where fire fighters undergo basic fire safety training. This training includes fire fighting techniques as well as lessons on building construction and fire protection procedures. Fire safety training also includes lessons in emergency rescue and the use of firefighting equipment. Other considerations include working within a team and proper reporting of any fire emergency.

A career as a firefighter requires that firefighters be physically fit. Regular physical activity is important to maintain good health and strength. This physical activity increases the chances of a firefighters’ survival in case he is faced with a fire. Firefighters must also undergo advanced fire safety training to prepare them for complicated situations where there is little time to prepare for normal training.

Advanced fire safety training is also necessary to protect a firefighter’s life in the event of a fire. It deals with the use of emergency lighting, apparatus use and working within a structure during a fire. Firefighters who undergo this advanced fire safety training are more likely to succeed in their jobs than those who do not. Fire safety training is especially important to those who are already employed in fire fighting because they are more likely to be able to perform their jobs in the case of a fire without any problems at all.

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